We have what your engine needs!
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Mondial Automotive, Inc. stocks a complete line of remanufactured and new alternators, starters, carburetors, turbos, injectors, diesel fuel pumps, diesel particulate filters, water pumps, fan clutches and filtration products for heavy-duty, agricultural, passenger car, industrial, and marine engines. The company was founded in 1956 by Showky Kaldawy Sr. with the core beliefs of honesty, integrity and respect. These values continue to act as an integral thread within the fabric of our organization. Mondial is proud to continue the company legacy into the second generation of our family business. We are committed to supplying our customers the highest quality parts backed with superior service. When quality counts, you can rely on Mondial for all your needs.
Our Business Partners
SCHUMACHER ELECTRICAlliant PowerAutometerBORG WARNERBoschC.E. NiehoffCENTRIC PARTSCole HerseeCROWN BATTERIESCumminsDEKA BATTERYDELCODelphiDENSODipacoDonaldsonDormanDurafitDURAWRXEzoilFLEET GUARDGarrettHitachiHOLSET TURBOSHortonInterstate Mc BeeMahleMaxiforceMemopartsMitsubishi ElectricODYSSEYPRESTOLITEQuick CableRacorREDLINE EMISSIONS PRODUCTSkylineStanadyneSURE POWER INDUSTRIESValeoVanair ManufacturingWhelenZexel
Digital Highlights
Servicing the heavy-duty market since 1956
Mondial Automotive, Inc. stocks a complete line of remanufactured and new alternators, starters, turbos, injectors, diesel fuel pumps, diesel particulate filters, water pumps, fan clutches, filtration products and more. We have what your engine needs!